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Meet Torie!

Meet Torie!

Hi, I’m Torie! I run Fluora’s social media marketing. In my spare time, I’m a DJ, event curator, art car builder, and wearer of many hats.

I am part of a music collective & record label called Inquiry Collective that has been my pet project for years – we host events up and down California with an incredible family of talented musicians & artists.

I love to travel, snowboard, and create art and experiences.


Fluora and the Future of Biophilic Design

Fluora and the Future of Biophilic Design

Take a moment. 

Imagine a time you recently felt stressed or anxious. 

If you could escape to anywhere to reduce this anxiety, where would you go? 

Scientifically, one of the best places to go is to immerse yourself in nature. What if we could recreate the same physical, emotional and psychological benefits of being in nature within our homes and commercial spaces?

This is the idea behind biophilic design

The goal of biophilic design is to connect with the earth in your built environment through direct and indirect nature, space and place. Evidence of these principles can be found dating back to the hanging gardens of Babylon. The Japanese have a term for it called shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing. Biophilic design amplifies human performance and productivity by fulfilling the human inclination to affiliate with nature. 

Meet Gene!

Meet Gene!

I'm Gene Gisin. I'm the mechanical engineer/designer for the operation! At C+L I do a lot of varied things - spanning from conceptual design to industrial design to manufacturing, sourcing and prototyping!

I have been to Burning Man more than 10 times!

Why you make with LEDs:

This technology is finally letting engineers create art with light! Always growing and improving, LEDs are constantly advancing the excitement possible! So it's like playing in a theme park that's getting new rides every day!

Favorite Artist:

I like melodic tech/house. Caleesi and Sarah Kreis are really good :)

Dream Project:

Making an AI interactive electronic rope-tugger for my doggo to play with!

Something that’s more out there: I keep dreaming of a global identity/individual feedback/crypto-based 'new village' concept. With the tech world penetrating deeper and deeper into every aspect of our lives - something along those lines needs to come around. Else we're (the humanity, like) are screwed!
