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The Journey to Continuous Production

The Journey to Continuous Production

One of the hardest unforeseen problems of Fluora is the mechanics of its Supply Chain. We have had years of experience running an art agency, where we would get paid from our client before paying to manufacture our LED hardware. Starting a consumer business flipped this timeline on its head.

Initially, we were able to fund production via crowdfunding campaigns, but those are not sustainable for the long term. The crowdfunding websites are losing support and their core fan base is dwindling. They also take a decent cut of the sales.


To grow an eCommerce brand, you need to have product in stock, and ship it immediately after it is purchased. Even having a customer wait 3-4 weeks is unacceptable. So, we have had to re-imagine our supply chain and financial structure to support this.

From the outside in, it seems like there is 1 easy answer, just go to a bank and get a loan. In reality, it is much more difficult. Most banks don’t want to loan to startup companies that don’t have 5+ years of positive cash flows and profit. With all of our art agency’s profit going towards R&D for Fluora the last couple years, we couldn’t show the banks what they were looking for.

So, we have had to piecemeal together some alternative financing solutions. We ended up using a combination of inventory financing platforms, alternative lines of credit, private inventory financing loans, and negotiating net terms with suppliers to get ourselves enough capital to produce Fluora continuously.

The other side of this equation is optimizing our cash flow conversion cycle. The faster we can make product, and turn product into money, the more leverage we gain with the working capital we have accumulated.

We’ve identified the components that bottle neck Fluora production (mainly the stems and leaves and their internal components), and started making them even earlier in the production cycle, with the custom components inside the stems and leaves, such as the sockets and connectors Fluora and its stems plug into, being the biggest bottleneck. We’ve also broken down the assembly and testing process into more bite sized tasks, and are able to start that sooner in the production process, decreasing overall lead time.

Rather than increasing the batch size, we are opting for smaller, more frequent batches to keep the cash flow moving. We are also working with Shopify and PayPal to decrease the amount of time it takes for us to get paid after we sell, and with Facebook to get net terms on our marketing spend. All of these tiny optimizations have cut our cash flow conversion cycle down by 30%, and we hope to get down another 20-30% by the end of the year.

All this being said, more financing can always help us grow faster, especially as we start to look at leveraging the latest AI developments and tools to make the Fluora experience better, or new interactions and experiences altogether.

Spotlight: Electric Meadow Art Installation at Electric Forest Music Festival 2023

Spotlight: Electric Meadow Art Installation at Electric Forest Music Festival 2023
Did you know the team behind Fluora also does large scale art installations? Check out a deep dive of our latest one below 👇

July 2023 | Electric Meadow @ Electric Forest Music Festival

Electric Meadow is a kaleidoscope of color and nature.
Experience Electric Forest coming to life
with a symphony of over 500 light-infused flowers
that swirl and pulse around you. 

Color+light, the team behind Fluora, fabricated and installed this art installation for Electric Forest Music Festival.

See a video of the finished installation here.

The flower garden was an expansive lighting environment. We created one giant 3D canvas out of all of the flowers, which allowed us to run animations that swirled around the audience in the center, and made them feel completely immersed in a different world.

Each flower was staked directly into the ground with a hollow fiberglass rod that acted as the stem. Wiring inside the stem delivered power and data from LED controllers and power supplies buried underground.

The flowers seemed to sprout out of the ground, with no visible wiring or controls, suspending a magical experience for festival go-ers.

What we love about festivals is the sheer number of people that get to experience our art. Over 50,000 people attended the 4 day event, held in Rothbury, MI. The audience has already stepped into another world by entering into the festival grounds. Discovering our art installation was one of the signature moments of their experience. We watched hundreds of people walk through the installation, completely mesmerized.

Check out a behind the scenes video showing off how we built it here.

Talking with people at our installations like these is what inspired us to create Fluora in the first place. 

Fluora Mini is currently en route to California and will be in stock in 3 weeks! Grab one now before they sell out!

~ The Fluora Team ~

Fluora Mini Production Update

Fluora Mini Production Update

We just wrapped up an amazing weeklong visit with our manufacturing partners in China! Everything went swimmingly and we are beyond excited to wrap up production here and get our customers their Fluora plants!


Now, we’ve seen our whole production with our own eyes and are more confident than ever in the quality of the product and the manufacturing behind it.


Every detail of Fluora Mini is robust and beautiful. We’re sure you’re gonna love it!


Read on for a deeper dive of our visit.


We spent the last week in Shenzhen, China, where many components of our product are manufactured and assembled. We spent multiple days in our manufacturing partner’s warehouse that does final assembly and testing, looking at and testing all the Fluora Mini components, and refining our manufacturing process.


We worked together to take Fluora Mini units through the full production line, into final testing, and boxing.


Here are some pictures.

Fluora Mini Final Testing

Final Fluora Mini Testing - confirming all electrical components work before units go into box.

Final Units Boxed Up and ready to go.

Flashing Software onto first PCBs.

In addition to working with our main manufacturing partners, we got to visit a couple other factories we work with. Our favorites were the factory that makes our LED Leaves, who we’ve been working with for over 7 years. Finally meeting in person was a trip!


We also visited the factory that manufactures the Fluora Circuit Board. These factories are crazy state-of-the-art, with millions of dollars of PCB making machines.

Watching the process of checking PCBs after components are soldered on.

On top of this, we ate some amazing local food from many different Chinese regions, and made some new friends.

The production units will be manufactured over the next 3 weeks, and get on an ocean freight container to the USA in late June. We hop to start shipping units out to customers in Late July/Early August.

That's it for now!

~ The Fluora Team ~

