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Meet Jake!

Meet Jake!

My name is Jake Lampack. As a co-founder of Color+Light, I’m typically involved with every aspect of the company, but with a general focus on product R&D, engineering, and software architecture and development. I enjoy thinking about high-level strategy and company vision.

I’m always tempted to climb everything, I’ll probably ask to play your guitar, and I probably eat spicier food than you could ever handle.

Why you make with LEDs:

As an engineer who never ceases to find endless creative inspiration, I believe that LEDs are the ultimate medium for artistic expression. Not unlike a musical instrument, being able to write lines of code and see ideas instantly materialize visually is a deeply visceral experience. Synced with music and other immersive elements, lighting is a root component in all of the profound multi-sensory experiences out there today.

Favorite Artist:

Everyone in the lighting game would have to give some love to James Turrell. As for music, I always struggle to answer this question since what I’m listening to is always evolving!

Dream Project:

My dream project would be one where many different multi-sensory elements can be combined to create a truly novel experience. One that isn’t just flashy technology, but strikes an emotional chord where the technology itself can become completely invisible.