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Spotlight: Electric Meadow Art Installation at Electric Forest Music Festival 2023

Spotlight: Electric Meadow Art Installation at Electric Forest Music Festival 2023

Did you know the team behind Fluora also does large scale art installations? Check out a deep dive of our latest one below 👇

July 2023 | Electric Meadow @ Electric Forest Music Festival

Electric Meadow is a kaleidoscope of color and nature.
Experience Electric Forest coming to life
with a symphony of over 500 light-infused flowers
that swirl and pulse around you. 

Color+light, the team behind Fluora, fabricated and installed this art installation for Electric Forest Music Festival.

See a video of the finished installation here.

The flower garden was an expansive lighting environment. We created one giant 3D canvas out of all of the flowers, which allowed us to run animations that swirled around the audience in the center, and made them feel completely immersed in a different world.

Each flower was staked directly into the ground with a hollow fiberglass rod that acted as the stem. Wiring inside the stem delivered power and data from LED controllers and power supplies buried underground.

The flowers seemed to sprout out of the ground, with no visible wiring or controls, suspending a magical experience for festival go-ers.

What we love about festivals is the sheer number of people that get to experience our art. Over 50,000 people attended the 4 day event, held in Rothbury, MI. The audience has already stepped into another world by entering into the festival grounds. Discovering our art installation was one of the signature moments of their experience. We watched hundreds of people walk through the installation, completely mesmerized.

Check out a behind the scenes video showing off how we built it here.

Talking with people at our installations like these is what inspired us to create Fluora in the first place. 

Fluora Mini is currently en route to California and will be in stock in 3 weeks! Grab one now before they sell out!

~ The Fluora Team ~